In this mindfulness activity, children will strengthen their listening skills by focusing on hearing different sounds during a walk outside.
Take a listening walk outside. Walk and listen closely to the sounds all around you. Pick a safe place to stand still and start by saying, “Today we are going on a listening walk outside. We’re going to practice listening very carefully. Close your eyes and you will hear some sounds all around us. You will try to figure out what is making the sound. With your eyes closed, your ears can really focus.”
Your child will listen carefully and then guess what is making the sound. You can take a turn by closing your eyes and identifying a sound that you hear, too. “I heard a plane flying overhead. I wonder where it was going. Did you hear the plane?” It can be helpful to show your child that you are listening by pointing to your ear, and then smiling and nodding. You can also say, “I hear something!” and use your voice to copy the sound. For example, you may hear birds chirping, leaves rustling, squirrels running in the trees, traffic or car motors, a horn honking, lawn mower starting, water running, people talking, or a baby crying in the distance.
Some examples of things you could ask your child are:
Be sure to answer the same questions you are asking your child. If your child is not sure how to respond, share your thoughts and feelings first and then give them a chance to do the same on their own.
As your child becomes familiar with this game, continue to walk and take turns identifying sounds in the environment with your eyes open. If your child has difficulty focusing in on sounds, pause your walk again and have him close his eyes to really focus in on the sounds around him.