Your child will increase self-awareness and learn about parts of the human body, as well as how they work, by reading a book and reciting a chant together.
Learning Area(s): Reading and Writing; Social and Emotional
- Children’s book about the body and body parts (suggestions: Me and My Amazing Body by Joan Sweeney or From Head to Toe by Eric Carle)
First, using a book that is age appropriate, read to your child about the human body. You and your child can discuss the book together.
Next, introduce your child to this chant about the human body. Point to each body part as it is named and say:
- “Here are my ears.”
- “Here is my nose.”
- “Here are my fingers.”
- “Here are my toes.”
- “Here are my eyes, both open wide.”
- “Here is my mouth, with white teeth inside.”
- “Here is my tongue, that helps me speak.”
- “Here is my chin, and here are my cheeks.”
- “Here are my hands, that help me play.”
- “Here are my feet for walking today.”
Encourage your child to copy your movements and words as you say and act out this chant.
- For older children, take some additional time to talk with your child about the parts of their bodies that are inside them, such as bones, muscles, and organs. You can also talk about ways to keep their bodies healthy (e.g., eating healthy food and exercising).
- Books about bodies for young children may or may not include labeling of “private parts” and their functions. It is important to give children words for all of their parts, and for children to be allowed to talk about them. So think about the words you use in your family for private parts, and work on getting comfortable talking about these parts just like the rest of the body.
- Extend this activity by doing a body drawing on large paper. Have your child lie down on a large sheet of paper (or several pieces taped together) and trace around the body with a crayon. Have your child identify her body parts on the drawing while you write the words next to each part.