From the time they are born, children explore the world around them using their five senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. Infants and toddlers touch everything and put things into their mouths, stick their fingers into their ears to hear how sounds change, or may spin until they feel dizzy. Sensoryplay helps your child examine the way things look, feel, smell, taste, and sound. This helps them learn about and make sense of the world. Families can use the activities in this section to help children explore using their five senses.
Art begins with sensory exploration, focusing on the “process” rather than the “product”. Gradually artwork becomes more detailed and realistic as children mature. Art experiences should allow young children to discover how things look and feel by experimenting with a wide variety of materials. Color, shape, and texture can be explored through crayons, paint, clay, and other materials which can be combined and transformed. Art provides an opportunity for young children to express their own ideas and experiences, and they can be encouraged to discuss their own artwork and others’ artwork. Art also supports other aspects of development, such as vocabulary, science and math concepts, fine and gross motor skills, and hand-eye coordination. Families can use the activities in this section to provide children with the opportunity to create art and enjoy the experience – there is no right or wrong way to do art!