In this activity, children will practice naming objects and matching them to their outlined shapes.
Gather household objects that are small enough to be traced onto the cardstock and big enough to not be swallowed. Place each object on the paper and trace around it with the marker to make an outline of the object. If your child is interested in helping with the tracing, let her hold the marker and gently place your hand on top of hers, guiding her hand to trace around the object. As you do this, name the object and talk about the parts you are tracing around. Encourage your child to repeat the name of the object. If she is familiar with the object, ask, “What is this?” Talk about what the object is used for and how it works.
Once all of the objects have been traced, put the objects in a small pile. Encourage your toddler to match each object to its traced shape. As she does so, help her notice how the object fits its outline. If she needs help, give her some clues and point out features that will help her find the correct object. For example, if you have traced a spoon, you might say (while pointing to the long part of the outline), “See this long part? This is the outline of the handle that you hold.” Then while pointing to the pile of household objects, you can say, “Can you find something that has a long handle like this?”